
“Deep Thinking”

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One Big Loss for a Man, One Giant Win for Mankind

by Garry Kasparov

“Writing this book became type of therapy. It was a painful process, but I learned a great deal about myself and my opponent, and am now very glad I had the opportunity to turn all this experience into a positive story that I could share with the world. I make it clear in Deep Thinking that my loss to Deep Blue was also a victory for humans — its creators and everyone who benefits from our technological leaps. That is, everyone. This is always the case in the big picture, and why the book rejects the ‘man vs machine’ competition storyline. The machines work for us, after all. The last third of the book is about the bright future of our lives with intelligent machines, if we are ambitious enough to embrace it. I hope my optimism is contagious.” Read full article at Medium.com

We must face our fears if we want to get the most out of technology — and we must conquer those fears if we want to get the best out of humanity, says Garry Kasparov. One of the greatest chess players in history, Kasparov lost a memorable match to IBM supercomputer Deep Blue in 1997. Now he shares his vision for a future where intelligent machines help us turn our grandest dreams into reality.

Watch original video at Ted.com


June 14th, 2017


Garry Kasparov and DeepMind’s CEO Demis Hassabis discuss Garry’s new book “Deep Thinking”, his match with Deep Blue and his thoughts on the future of AI in the world of chess.


Garry Kasparov : What Constitutes Intelligence

Garry Kasparov talks to TechCrunch writer Devin Coldewey about what separates human
from machine minds, the problems with relying on AI, and his thoughts on Putin’s regime.

Original video at https://techcrunch.com/video/garry-ka…


Garry Kasparov talks to Stephen Fry about the rise of machine intelligence during Hay Festival  May 30, 2017



July 10th, 2017

Kasparov Thinks Deeply about His Battle with a Machine

“If we feel like we are being surpassed by our own technology it’s because we aren’t pushing ourselves hard enough, aren’t being ambitious enough in our goals and dreams. Instead of worrying about what machines can do, we should worry more about what they still cannot do”. by Jonathan Schaeffer for the MIT Technology Review

June 29, 2017

A Brutal Intelligence: AI, Chess, and the Human Mind

“To build a machine able to beat a skilled human player would be to fabricate a mind. It was a compelling theory, and to this day it shapes public perceptions of artificial intelligence. But, as the former world chess champion Garry Kasparov argues in his illuminating new memoir Deep Thinking, the theory was flawed from the start. It reflected a series of misperceptions — about chess, about computers, and about the mind.” by Nicholas Carr for the Los Angeles Review of Books

May 31st, 2017

Is AI the end of jobs or a new beginning?

Kasparov wrote: “When I sat across from Deep Blue twenty years ago I sensed something new, something unsettling. Perhaps you will experience a similar feeling the first time you ride in a driverless car, or the first time your new computer boss issues an order at work. We must face these fears in order to get the most out of our technology and to get the most out of ourselves.” Vivek Wadhwa for The Washington Post

May 18th, 2017

Grandmasters vs. Gigabytes 

“Kasparov now believes computers will take over menial mental tasks and thus allow humans to pursue ‘creativity, curiosity, beauty, and joy.’ Robin Hanson reviews “Deep Thinking: Where Machine Intelligence Ends and Human Creativity Begins” by Garry Kasparov.”  by Robin Hinman for The Wall Street Journal. 



May 11th, 2017

The Day Machines Took Over

“Given the predominantly panicky narrative surrounding the age of smart machines, Kasparov’s Deep Thinking serves as a welcome breath of fresh air. The aim of his book is finding ways of “doing a smarter job of humans and machines working together” to improve well-being.

Chess fans will enjoy Kasparov’s overview of the history of the game as well as his discussion of how the development of computing and smart machines has been intermingled with chess for many decades now. They will also appreciate his detailed postmortem of his losing battle with Deep Blue, which makes up the meat of the middle of the book.” by Adam Thierer for Medium.com


May 9th, 2017

Man versus machine: when Garry Kasparov met his match

“This book, written almost 20 years after the match, reflects Kasparov’s final reckoning with the fifth stage of grief: acceptance. What is striking, and reassuring, is that far from raging against the machine, Kasparov marvels at the capabilities of computers and is excited by the possibilities for future collaboration.” by John Thornhill for Financial Times


April 26th, 2017

Artificial Intelligence: Chess match of the century

Kasparov includes enough detail to satisfy chess enthusiasts while providing a thrilling narrative for the casual reader. Deep Thinking delivers a rare balance of analysis and narrative, weaving commentary about technological progress with an inside look at one of the most important chess matches ever played. by Demis Hassabis for Nature.com




May 24th, 2017

Garry Kasparov talks about artificial intelligence and the interplay between machine learning and humans. 

“One of the biggest problems that arise in the beginning of the conversation is: Do you mean intelligence as a result of the AI or as a process? Because when you look back at my matches that I’ve played with chess computers, now, if we stick with the intelligence as a result, then by the definition of its output, Deep Blue was intelligent because it played grand-master-level chess. Now, if you look at the process, if you try to understand the intricate details of human intelligence, now Deep Blue, this phenomenal speed of 200 million positions per second, offers you no information because it was as intelligent as your alarm clock.” Elena Holodny for Business Insider.May 24, 2017


May 17th, 2017


Meet the Press podcast with Chuck Todd on “Deep Thinking” my matches against Deep Blue, and the future of artificial intelligence.

“With the rapid rate at which technology is developing today, there may yet be a new Holy Grail for artificial intelligence. According to Kasparov, part of the problem for AI rests in the fact that many Americans view technology as competition. Automation has long been viewed as a menace to the working class, but he suggests looking at the development from another perspective.

“What about looking for a positive side?” Kasparov said. “Now we have new intelligent machines, and they will be taking over I would say more menial aspects of cognition. So maybe it will help us to elevate our lives toward curiosity, creativity, beauty, joy so there are other things that we can do if we move to the next level of the development of our civilization.”

May 16th, 2017

Defeated by a computer, world chess champion Garry Kasparov embraces artificial intelligence.

“I always say, machines won’t make us obsolete — our complacency might.”

Kasparov believes the future is a “human plus machine combination” — merging the brute force of calculation, machines, and algorithms with human experience and strategic overview.

“Look, we have a purpose. Machines don’t have a purpose. We have passion. So there are many things that could go together.”


May 10th, 2017

Garry Kasparov on AI, Chess, and the Future of Creativity in conversation with Tyler Cowen.



May 1st, 2017

Kasparov appeared on Yahoo News with Golodryga in part to discuss his new book about the future of artificial intelligence, “Deep Thinking: Where Machine Intelligence Ends and Human Creativity Begins.” In 1997, Kasparov, the world’s reigning chess champion at the time, famously lost a game to IBM supercomputer Deep Blue. However, given today’s geopolitical climate, the conversation largely focused on the risk Putin poses to Russia and the world.

Q: What do you hope people might take away from Deep Thinking? What might challenge and/or surprise readers?

A: The overall message is that we must be optimistic about the future because it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. If we are creative and ambitious, intelligent machines will liberate us and be as profound a boon to our prosperity as electricity. If we are fearful, and fail to press ahead, we could be overwhelmed by automation and inequality. Deep Thinking puts AI and our hopes and fears into a practical context of centuries of our technology changing our lives and redefining what it means to be human, from labour to art.



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