
November 19th, 2014 10 AM - 5 AMWarsaw

Warsaw Security Forum

In today’s world, countries need to deal with the threats both military and non-military, therefore issues related with security are very topical and important. Gradual reduction of American presence in Europe and lessening defencespending among many European allies resulted in the necessity for a wider take on this problem in Central Europe. Due to its geopolitical position, Poland appears to be the perfect place for a discussion on security issues in the region.

Warsaw Security Forum 2014 addresses these issues in an international gathering of experts who specialize in security. Its purpose is to exchange professional experiences as well as present solutions to complex regional security challenges confronting the CEE region. The two day forum will consists of numerous plenary sessions dedicated to security issues, particularly those related to the future of NATO, the Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Union including relations with the Russian Federation, energy security, bordering states of NATO and the European Union, new threats as well as security in the military dimension. The WSF2014 will take place on November 20 and 21, 2014 in Warsaw, Poland.


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